Friday, June 5, 2015

I got this!

Its been a crazy term!  I took 16 credits and am determined to finish up my two "I"'s on my transcript!  Its a crazy amount of work, but I was lucky and had a few teachers I knew and was aware of their routines so I knew I could work it out.  I just have the last minute crunch getting everything done by Monday!  YIKES!
I also found out I can walk with my graduating class June 13th, even though I won't actually finish my degree until the end of FALL term.  It makes sense since they only walk once a year, and I would want to walk with the 2015 class.  I decided to go for it, even though it might feel funny coming back to campus afterwards to finish up.  But I need this-- I have worked really hard for this.  I can do it. 
The color for the school of social work is citron-- which leads me to my new motto:
when life gives you lemons, go work your booty off and get a degree. 
The down side is my mom is out of town.  Had I had more notice, my sisters could have come in for it.  My children and Darren will be there to cheer me on, and those are my important people, but I wish I could share this moment with more of the people who supported me.  But honestly, it feels like a testament to the process... it was my choice, my journey, my fight to succeed.  When I look at it that way, I don't mind celebrating with just my immediate family.  I did this for me and my children.  No one else.  It works out to be kind of a beautiful way to end it, with me and them.  I am happy. 
I still have work to do.  I couldn't have done it without all the love and support I was given.  So there may be more posts of anxious homework and finals coming.... but so much has been accomplished.  I got this!

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