Thursday, May 12, 2011

Waking up is hard to do!

Do you ever wake up feeling amazing?  Do you wake up ready to take on the world?  Energy coursing through your veins?  A spring in your step?

Sigh.... I wish I did. 

Every morning I wake up in pain.  Once I get up and going it usually goes away.  When I was younger I would simply stay in bed.  When I got older and responsibilities wouldn't allow that behavior I pushed through it.

But I am tired of it.  I am tired of the daily pain.  I am tired of the fight every single morning.  I  keep wondering why-- why is this test here for me?  What am I learning from this that will make me a better person?  Why is this my challenge?  Ugh.... 

At least I have a sweet husband who will run downstairs and get me medication when I wake up.  He also will get the children fed while I am getting ready so my job of getting them out the door to school is that much easier.  I really have so much... so I guess this pity party is over.

Friday, May 6, 2011

It was good while it lasted

So, I was very fortunate to go on a vacation last week with my best girl friend.  My husband appeared to be super supportive and we had help from his lovely mother with the kids and I was able to enjoy my time away from them and my time with good friends and new experiences.

I really miss travelling.  My biggest regret in life is that I didn't travel more before children.  Of course, we can still travel with kids, but money is a big factor and different destinations are needed for this phase of our lives.

Anyway- I was able to spend much time every day in meditation and relaxation.  I was able to listen to my body and focus on my physical needs.  I was able to take preventative medication and stay on top of my headaches so that for the most part I didn't have them.... or was able to get rid of them quite quickly.  The uninterrupted sleep helped me, I am sure.  The non-demands of children needs, husband needs, home needs helped me too.  I felt truly relaxed and calm and enjoyed each moment as it happened. 

I talked to my kids each day.  My boy needed a song every night.  I missed them and planned what we would do on our next visit(My brother-in-law lives there, so its likely we will visit again).  Coming home was an enjoyable experience to be reunited with my babies.  I jumped right into the fire as the Teacher Appreciation Coordinator for the week and have been busy at the kids school. 

I haven't had the same amount of time to meditate or relax.  I haven't had the same care-free ability I had on vacation.  I haven't been able to truly listen to my body.  My headaches have been back.  I am focusing on the positives and while the pain is still extreme, I am trying to capture that same care-free attitude I had on vacation.  Its OK if things don't go according to plan.  Its OK if things aren't perfect, or even close to perfect.  I need to be making good memories and be enjoying every moment at hand.  The pain - free days were good while they lasted, but I can keep my attitude in check and make an effort to enjoy all my days.