Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

     Merry Christmas-- here is to hoping the joyous festivities will not result in a headache and days in bed suffering. 
    December was a very good month for me headache wise-only a handful of headaches- only one or two which caused my life to stop while I recovered- which was good considering several deaths in our family and a lot of disruptions to routines.  Spending the 22nd and 23rd and a memorial and then a funeral for dear family  members lost(one from my husbands side, one from mine) helped me to avoid the anxiety I usually feel this time of year.  I was able to relax, enjoy what was going on directly around me, and reflect on what is most important.  So many blessings.  So much love.  While I feel I am a very grateful person, I enjoy taking time to reflect even more on all that I have.

Merry Christmas to you and yours... here is to hoping for a happy and healthy 2011.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Another post about weather

One of my favorite headache blogs talked about the weather being a trigger today-- the day after I posted my weather thingee.  Very interesting reading... if your into this sorta thing:

Monday, December 13, 2010


I found this totally cool migraine headache forecast website.  So far, my headaches have agreed for the most part as I have not suffered severely for a while.  Well at least for a few weeks.  My hormones, as usual, are messing with me, but knowing the cause is helpful in dealing with them.

My PT appointments were hopeful, except I found out after two appointments I need to exhaust my $2000 deductible before insurance kicks in and covers 70%.  Since this year was not kind to us in regards to health care expenses, I will be doing what I can on my own and our credit card bill will go up the cost of these two appointments. I hope to be able to run again some day-- as in April when I plan to participate in my first sprint triathlon.