Monday, November 22, 2010

Physical Therapy

Medicating teenagers is a tricky thing.  Back when I was a teen my first doctor we went to with my headache concerns was very reluctant to medicate me.  The second doctor was fine medicating me and instead of listening to me that the medication was giving me no relief, he just upped the dosage causing me more reaction from the meds than the headaches.  It was a yucky time to be me.

My first doctor however sent me to do some physical therapy, hoping the problem was in muscles and training of my neck.  This was my first stab at trying something different to help my headaches.  I worked on machines, practiced different exercises, I think they used electro therapeutic point stimulation, tried relaxation techniques(similar to what I used during bio-feedback, but this therapy took place several years before bio-feedback).  It was a start- and a good place to start at that.  I learned a lot about my body and its reactions to different things- such as why physical support is important(always travel with a pillow) and why its important to get up and move if I have been sitting around for a while.

I am about to go in to physical therapy for the second time in my life for a problem I am having with my hip.  I am interested in seeing what they can do for me and while I am not skeptical, I am cautious with allowing myself to feel hope.  Starting down this path again, even though its for a different issue, just reminded me of all those afternoons spent in the basement of the hospital when my hope was at its highest not having any idea 20+ years later I would still be dealing with headache pain. 

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