Thursday, June 18, 2009

PBP- not a cure for headaches

Another headache today-- so bad I veto's little man's request to go the dollar tree. BUT, not so bad I didn't stop for a Peanut Buster Parfait and Dilly Bars for the kids. Didn't help the headache. But sure tasted good. I wish I had another one. :o)


  1. Well, there's another childhood belief shattered. I was raised to believe PBPs could cure anything. (Or was it that you just eat them until you stop caring anymore? Something.)

    And I know it doesn't necessarily help a lot to have people come by and give you lots of sympathetic "I'm sorry" comments however well-intended, as much as someone who can say "I understand". I can't really say that, but maybe in some tiny degree, with all the pain and CFS symptoms my wife suffers from every single day... I see something at least in a similar ballpark anyway.

    And putting up a blog like this means a lot for people to just be able to say, "hey, me too!" (And it's so easy to pass everyone in the hall at church or work or school or wherever and just assume you're all alone with whatever you have to deal with, when in fact we'd be surprised how many people we know amongst our friends and associates may understand what we're going through more than we think.)

  2. That is why I decided to make another blog- a way to "talk" about it without really talking about it. Didn't want this subject matter on my main blog because I was raised that denial is a grand way to deal with lifes problems(That sounds like a great future blog post). But its a big part of my life- chronic pain SUCKS.
