Friday, February 11, 2011

What is this I'm feeling?


I promised myself today that I would take a few moments to blog about something positive.  I so often get on here and throw pity partys and work through my frustrations with my writing- but today I FEEL GOOD!  I need to write it down!  I need to shout it out to the online world! 

I feel my adjustments to medications is complete.  I haven't forgotten to take them and I am seeing a definite benefit to taking them.

I started running with a group of ladies this week.  We each take a day to watch each others kids, so I watch 1 day, and run 4 days.  I actually skipped today because of my to-do list.  This takes place in the morning so my nights sleep won't be affected.  I think the consistent exercise, along with being outdoors(I usually exercise inside, but being outside is just so much better for me) really helped me a lot this week. Plus it wasn't rainy this week.  Yay PNW!

Last night I went to sleep with no help from sleep aids or anything.  I was asleep before 11.  I slept through the night(big thank you to the baby for sleeping through the night- another yay!) and woke up at 5:30 to use the bathroom.  I thought in my head:  Wow, I feel OK.  I could actually get dressed and get my shoes on and go for a jog.  But I didn't.  I went back to sleep until 6:30 when baby got up.

I did a million and one things this morning.  Baby and I had a lunch date with  my husband.  She actually took a nap this afternoon and I was able to do a few productive things around the house. 

No headache.  No major pain.  I FEEL GOOD!  It is quite an exciting thing.  I had several really bad, but short, headaches this week, so to have a day and  half(I felt pretty good yesterday too) feeling good is just such a charge.  I actually feel a thrill to feel so normal. 

I have no idea what tomorrow will bring.  I don't know when my next pain-free day will be.  But I have had one.  I can have another.  I can't forget this exciting feeling.  WOOT!

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