Friday, February 5, 2010

Headache related sleeplessness

"Honey, you need to go to bed soon," my darling husband said as he pulled the covers up to his ears around 11:30 last night.

I laid in bed with a massive headache. I wanted to cry it hurt so bad, but crying makes it hurt worse, so I did a lot of breathing.

I couldn't sleep. The pain was just too great. And it frustrated me that my husband would advise me to do what I wanted to do most.

This morning my head pain is only about a 3/10. But I am groggy... so tired... wishing I could sleep all day long.

BUT- I have things to do today. Kids off to school. Watching my nephew while my sister goes and supports my parents as my Dad is about to get his official diagnoses of Alzheimers(my baby will be napping so I can't go with). I have fun afternoon planned to visit with a good friend. We have actual plans to go out for dinner tonight as family. So, I am busy with good things. This will help me "power thru the pain" and have a somewhat normal life.

Meanwhile... my bed.. my sweet sweet bed... is calling me. I long to sink into it and pull a pillow in my arms. Why couldn't this happen last night?


  1. I understand. Praying for you.

  2. Hi Megan.
    I went to see a new headache specialist today. He talked about the importance of an accurate diagnosis. He wants me to have an MRI, MRA, MRV. ( I have only had an MRI in 1992). He thinks I may have cervicogenic headache with a migraine component.

    I was wondering if you think you have an accurate diagnosis for your headaches?

    I took 8 years off from the headache game to have babies, and it is hard to start trying and hoping again. Will keep you updated ...
