Friday, January 30, 2015

Thoughts on Burdens

These are not new thoughts.  But over the past week, they are what has come to my mind as important thoughts. 

Some things in life are just too much. I wish I could just take away some of the pain, but that isn't what life is about. We carry and endure our own burdens and love and support our loved ones through theirs.

To watch someone you love experience pain, physical or emotional, can be almost unbearable.  When you can't kiss away the booboo, or you can't slice off the end of their pain and just hold it for a while so they can catch their breath.  The experience is something they have to go through and unique to them.  This doesn't mean I haven't been affected by event that caused the pain they are experiencing and am not experience my own pain, but theirs is so deep and so intense that I know mine doesn't compare.  I want to take it on to give them rest, but I can not.  So I can only hold onto them and let them know I am here.  Its much easier to do when you are there physically, but I do believe thoughts and prayers can reach out as well. 

Emotional wounds take as much time, if not more, than physical wounds to heal. We can not expect to jump back into life and live as normal. We can only do what is right in front of us, and listen to our body when it says its time to rest. My heart is broken, and I am mourning. But I am also so grateful for the love of family and friends.

My sister commented how she went out and took care of an errand today and came home and was wiped out before 10:00AM.  It made me think about how her body is enduring the pain of her heartbreak.  A major organ has experienced an extreme trauma.  If she had had heart surgery, no one would expect her to get up and be at 100% a week later.  Her heart is broken, and she can't expect herself to be up and around.  It will take time to heal and she needs to be very in tune with her body to ensure she is taking it easy so that healing can take place.  I really wish I was there to make sure she puts herself first, and that everyone in her home is getting the support they need.  But she does have her people there who love her and will take care of her. 

We were concentrating so hard on getting my sister through the funeral, afterwards at her house, I said to her:  We got you through the funeral.  Now its just the rest of your life you need to get through.  I can't imagine she, or her family, will experience anything without thinking what it would be like to have the Father of their home with them.  There will always be an ache in their hearts and a hole that will never be filled.

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