Last week was a tough one- Severe headaches and nausea every single day. Extreme throbbing and pain that I just had to push through because I had commitments I didn't want to miss(I was excited and honored to be asked by my 16 year old nephew to tutor him in french- I felt horrible, but HAD TO SAY YES! And even though I hurt, it felt good to be with my boy.). I went for a simple walk on Friday with the baby and I felt winded. I was in so much pain- I simply wondered how in the world was I going to manage the tri-athlon the very next day. The pain wouldn't go away. But I refused to panic and realized if I felt horrible I would deal with it then. Here is what I came up with:
I have found that even though I may be carrying around extra weight and don't look or feel how I want to, that I am still capable of setting physical goals and achieving them. I have found that despite any physical pain I am in, I am able to focus and relax and enjoy the moment at hand. I have found that although it might not be very pleasant, the reward for endurance is sweet and gratifying. I simply found a strength inside of me that allows me to keep going. The power of prayer is huge, and I am grateful to have it on my side.
I think I can becomes I know I can.
My goal is now a reality.
I feel good about myself and my abilities.
Thanks to my friends and my dear sweet family for supporting me and believing in me too.
Very inspiring words! It's hard to face challenges and discouragement, but the reward for endurance is indeed sweet. Way to go!