My last post I had actual words, right before I hit publish I somehow highlighted all the words and hit space and then lost them all. I was in a rush to get out the door, so I published anyway. So... perfection is not my thing.
I have been reflecting on disappointment from people I deal with. 1- There are those who have disappointed me in the past and I have learned from those experiences and let go of those relationship. 2- There are those who have disappointed me in the past, but are a part of my life, so I heave to learn to keep the relationship, let go of the disappointment, and set my boundaries. Then 3- there are those who disappoint me but I love them sooooo much I forgive almost instantly and forget and keep going like it never happened.
The last group of people are generally people I gave birth to.
The first group of people have become a memory that I can appreciate as a valuable life lesson.
The middle group of people is tricky. I am not doing so well with them. Maybe I am. But I am finding there are people in my life that I love and have relationships with, who disappoint me and will likely not change. Some of them I do not love, but am required to keep a relationship for them for the sake of others (Refer to the last group of people). Most of the time I can simply deal with my disappointments, and move on. But there are days when I really don't appreciate having to be strong and set these feelings aside. There are days when I just want to give up and say: You are a toxic person to me and you have hurt me, and I don't want to deal with you anymore. This gets more complicated when its a person who I need in my life. A person I love and admire, but this person likely won't ever change, so my cycle of forgiving and forgetting and drawing up new boundaries starts over. This can be dear friends and even family members. I can't just send them out of my life. Life doesn't work that way. So.... I deal, I cope, and I let things run their course, and I keep those I need in my life, or the lives of my loved ones, and I try to protect myself.