Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Mixed cocktail of emotions

When you add stress upon stress to waiting and disappointment and throw in some good old hormones what do you get? A several day migraine!

And all I can think about is how bad I feel for my kiddos. Their summer has been fun. We've gone to the beach, we've been to a few parks, a couple of movies, lots of ice cream and slurpees. But, even last summer when I didn't plan my summer on purpose, I still had a good routine and felt satisfied with balance of down time vs. activity time.

I'm not feeling the balance so well this summer. Because I'm not balanced. Between getting the house ready to sell, having it on the market, then the worry of finding a place for us to live, the fun activities have waned. I've been pushing myself hard. I'm exhausted. My kids have played a lot of video games. They've watched a lot of tv. They've done a good amount of reading, but my mother guilt is kicking in with the screen time.

This week was especially hard on me, but now that I have found our future home I can relax a little. Thanks to my gender, my hormones combined with the stress and guilt and worry I've been hit with a doozy. But I'm refusing to let it get me down.

My kids are only this age once. I am enjoying every minute. Sometimes I need to step away from their volume levels, but I'm excited about our future I'm not letting this migraine get the best of me. Even if tomorrow is day 3, I'll be ok.

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