Merry Christmas-- here is to hoping the joyous festivities will not result in a headache and days in bed suffering.
December was a very good month for me headache wise-only a handful of headaches- only one or two which caused my life to stop while I recovered- which was good considering several deaths in our family and a lot of disruptions to routines. Spending the 22nd and 23rd and a memorial and then a funeral for dear family members lost(one from my husbands side, one from mine) helped me to avoid the anxiety I usually feel this time of year. I was able to relax, enjoy what was going on directly around me, and reflect on what is most important. So many blessings. So much love. While I feel I am a very grateful person, I enjoy taking time to reflect even more on all that I have.
Merry Christmas to you and yours... here is to hoping for a happy and healthy 2011.