Since I often have a headache, I choose to do one of two things. Lay low, or go forward full speed ahead.
Often I feel like laying in bed does me little good, and I prefer to NOT miss out on my life so I keep active. Sometimes doing things will distract me and can even help the pain go away. Sometimes it makes me sicker. Sometimes it just makes me cranky and I am sure those around me wish I had just stayed in bed.
Today, I don't want to do anything. I have a headache- its not even one of my bad ones. But I have a kitchen needing to be cleaned, carpets to be vacuumed, children to be read to and taught, phone calls to make, a part time business to conduct, laundry to be folded and put away, dinner to be planned and eventually made. I don't want to do any of this-- I just want to curl up in my bed and pretend I am in my home alone. I feel like I am avoiding everyone and everything. The guilt for this avoidance(Which isn't a true avoidance because I am not really avoiding anyone or anything but my not actively working to deal with people is what makes me feel like I am avoiding. Does that make sense?) brings me down even more.
So, I will give myself today. Tomorrow will be better. Now, I can't actually lay in bed and do nothing. I do need to get a few items on my list from above done. I will tend to the kids, and get dinner going(unless I can talk husband into bringing something home that we really can't afford.). But I won't do it all, and that is OK. It will be OK to lay low today.